Stories Within Us

Supporting Working Moms with Rakhi Pancholi

Lisa Bush Season 3 Episode 1

Today's episode is with Alberta Leader, MLA Rakhi Pancholi. In this conversation, I speak with Rakhi about the significance of accessible, affordable, quality child care. Rakhi explains how this is a primary factor impacting working moms' ability to be successful in their careers. She provides us with some staggering statistics and shares with us what we need to be doing to get women back into the workplace after the devastating effects of the pandemic. 

This is a conversation I encourage you to listen to and share it with everyone. Simply put: we need to elect leaders that allow women to thrive. This episode explains why. 

About Rakhi Pancholi:

Rakhi Pancholi is the MLA for Edmonton-Whitemud and Children's Services Critic. As a lawyer with a focus on  labour/employment and education law, she has experience working with the Alberta School Boards Association and was the senior legislative consultant for Alberta Education. As an MLA she continues to advocate for Alberta students and families and what needs to be done to make their lives better.

Rakhi has also been very involved in a number of volunteer organizations in Edmonton, including ParityYEG, the Humane Animal Rescue Team, the National Education Program Committee, and the Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund. She has also volunteered her services as a lawyer, providing legal advice to low-income clients.

Rakhi lives in South Edmonton with her husband, two children and her rescue dog. She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta, and a law degree from the University of Toronto.

Connect with Rakhi Pancholi:


Facebook: @rakhipancholiedmontonwhitemud

Twitter: @pancholi_rakhi

IG: @pancholi_rakhi