Stories Within Us

Imperfection and Leaps of Faith with Chandra Blumberg

Lisa Bush Season 4 Episode 5

In this episode, author Chandra Blumberg and I look behind the scenes of novel writing. We pull the curtain back and reveal the quiet work, the messy work, and the process that results in the final product of a novel. We look at the fluidity that occurred for both of us when writing while parenting. Chandra speaks to the importance of embracing our humanity and leaning into seasonality both as writers and as mothers. She offers insight on finding what works for you. 

So to the moms listening that might have a dream—You might want to create or make something. You might want to try something new. You might be ready to take a leap of faith. But don't know if you have the time. Or you aren't sure if you are talented enough to be successful. This episode is for you. 

About Chandra Blumberg:

Chandra Blumberg grew up in Michigan. After receiving a BA in English from Michigan State University, she moved with her husband to the Chicago area, where she enjoys the natural beauty of Lake Michigan and exploring museums. 

Chandra's essays on motherhood have appeared in Her View From Home and Mothers Always Write. Chandra writes funny, heartwarming love stories where getting to happily-ever-after is half the fun. Her debut novel, Digging up Love is out January 1, 2022. It's currently available for preorder—I will include all of the links in the show notes. Stirring Up Love will be published later next year.

She is an avid reader and loves to travel, but since becoming a mother her journeys are mostly domestic, rather than global. Chandra also enjoys reading during breakfast, making a mess of the kitchen while baking new recipes with her kids, and lifting heavy barbells at the gym.

Connect with Chandra Blumberg:


IG: @chandrablumberg

Twitter: @ChandraBlumberg

Pre order Digging Up Love